If you haven’t made it to one of our practical Farming STEMterprise workshops yet, do not fear as we are now offering them online!
Join us for a family friendly workshop to explore how you can use these cross- curricular projects in school or at home.
If you want to take part in the practical element of the session, it would be great if you had the following items:
- chopping board
- knife
- a plate to present your finished creation
- a small selection of some of the following suggested ingredients (or a selection of your own), cucumber, salad leaves, tomatoes, carrot, fresh or dried herbs, cheese, natural yoghurt, tortilla wraps, tortilla chips, sweetcorn
The training is being hosted via Zoom. Click here or sign in with the meeting ID and password:
Meeting ID: 871 134 245 Password: 582470
We look forward to seeing you there!