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Online Farming STEMterprise Workshop:  Wednesday 29th April at 3pm


If you haven’t made it to one of our practical Farming STEMterprise workshops yet, do not fear as we are now offering them online!

Join us for a family friendly workshop to explore how you can use these cross- curricular projects in school or at home.

If you want to take part in the practical element of the session, it would be great if you had the following items:

  • chopping board
  • knife
  • a plate to present your finished creation
  • a small selection of some of the following suggested ingredients (or a selection of your own), cucumber, salad leaves, tomatoes, carrot, fresh or dried herbs, cheese, natural yoghurt, tortilla wraps, tortilla chips, sweetcorn

The training is being hosted via Zoom. Click here or sign in with the meeting ID and password:

Meeting ID: 871 134 245 Password: 582470

We look forward to seeing you there!

#Lockdown Learning

#LockdownLearning design a good snack_73112

We have teamed up with Eat Farm Now and a host of celebrities such as Jimmy Doherty, Charlie Baker and Hannah Jackson, to create a hub of home learning activities and videos linked to food, farming and the great outdoors. Each week we will be choosing a different theme and releasing new resources to keep your children busy during Lockdown.

This week is horticulture week and children can grow their own ‘popcorn plants’ with celebrity botanist, James Wong; design and build a plant propagator from recycled materials; learn about the parts of a plant and sow their own vegetable seeds.

Don’t forget to show us what you’ve been up to by emailing education@nfu.org.uk or tagging us on one of our social media platforms below.

17 Goals, 17 Cities, 1 Mission… Rethink food

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In 2021, Glasgow will host the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference. To mark this event, our friends at Rethink Food will be working with schools and businesses to give young people the opportunity to highlight the positive actions that can be taken to help us achieve a brighter and more sustainable future.

Using the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as a framework, schools will be challenged to complete a social action project linked to food and the environment.

Schools taking part will receive fully funded access to the Rethink Food Futures programme (including a growing tower to keep after the project has been completed). All schools will grow fresh food which they will eat as part of the celebration event to mark the COP26 event.

The project will begin in September with the celebration event planned to coincide with COP26 (date to be confirmed – expected to be Summer 2021). The project has been designed to be an inclusive immersive learning opportunity and provide children with a voice during this global summit.

Express your interest in this fully funded project.​​​​​​​

© NFU 2018

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